Monday, September 29, 2008

What Are Asset Labels, Asset Tags, Property Labels, Identification Labels & What Are They Used For?

What Are Asset Labels, Asset Tags, Property Labels, Identification Labels & What Are They Used For?
By Mark Stephens

This article is designed to help people understand asset marking. We will start by defining assets and divide them into two categories;

1) Non-fixed Assets

2) Fixed Assets

1) Non-fixed Assets would comprise any item that is not physically attached or part of a building. For example this would include assets such as furniture and equipment that you would find in office, school and home environments such as PC’s, Laptops, IT Equipment, Cameras, Telephones, Printers, Desks, Oscilloscopes, etc.

2) Fixed Assets would comprise the opposite – meaning that we are talking about buildings, signs and machinery that is attached to buildings and any other items that might be classed under this heading. These fixed assets are also called “infrastructure items” as they are part of the infrastructure.

Asset Labels, Asset Tags, Property Labels or Identification Labels are used to uniquely visually identify these non-fixed and fixed assets by means of attaching a unique identifier to each “asset”. This may be in the form of a label or etching.

Depending upon how permanent you wanted the marking to be, would help you decide the type of material that your asset label would need to be constructed from. The different materials of the labels would be suited to different surfaces. I will explain this in my next article.

This article was brought to you by Mark Stephens of HoloGuard Limited, based in the UK. His company provide Asset Labels | Asset Tags | Identification Labels at low-cost prices. To view HoloGuard’s vast range of asset tracking labels and solutions to suit your application, please visit: